Terms of Use:

  1. JV-Rocket Solo Ads and/or Broadcasts may contain a maximum of 500 lines, including your link or website URL, each line not to exceed 150 characters (including spaces).

  2. You agree to allow us (not you) to schedule your broadcast based on availability, but we will usually get your broadcast out within 10 business days of receipt of your order.

  3. You agree that no specific result(s) is/are promised or assured; and results vary based on your offer, your copy, and other influences beyond our control.

  4. You agree to pay us BEFOREHAND the sum of $2,500 in US Funds only.

  5. You agree not to dispute your agreement to pay us based on this agreement at anytime; now or while waiting for your broadcast to be published, or anytime there afterwards.

  6. You agree that whatever fees we incur to recover any disputed payment by you for our services and if necessary, that you will be required to reimburse same; including but not limited to: collections services, attorneys, or other.

  7. You agree that we may deny you services for any reason, including but not limited to: objectionable content, lack of available slots, or otherwise; and if so determined you will be notified and refunded with this being the only exception.

  8. You agree that by submitting your selling message in the proper form above, that doing so constitutes your agreement to these and all terms herein.